Thursday, September 06, 2007

Apple Proves They Rock All Over Again

As I'm sure you've heard, Apple announced the release of a complete revamp of the iPod selection. The Shuffle got some new, earth tone colors, as well as the (PRODUCT)red version. The nanos are now the short, fat kid of the bunch. And the original style of iPods were renamed iPod classic and got a few changes including being slighter thinner, new colors, and a new 160 GB version for $350.

To everyone's delight they also announced the iPod Touch, which is very literally an iPhone minus the phone. (Not to mention certain very desirable applications.) Needless to say, everyone was extremely excited about the iPod touch.

Oh, but Steve wasn't done wooing the crowd just yet. Oh no, he also unveiled an incredible $200 price drop for the 8 GB iPhone, and the demise of the 4 GB iPhone. ($300 while supplies last) There was a huge applause at this last announcement. However, within minutes after the Jobs Worship was over, people quickly realized that there were millions of people who had waited days to get their iPhone on opening day and had dished out $600 to do so. And well all know Apples' strict return policy of only 10 days. So what about that poor sap who bought his 11 days ago? Well, Steve Jobs wants to please everyone. In a surprise move to everyone, Steve issued an open letter to all iPhone users earlier this morning. As it turns out, he's received thousands of angry letters about the drastic, and sudden price drop in the iPhone. He decided, after much deliberation, that the return policy will stand. However, all of the early adopters of the iPhone are now rewarded with a $100 Apple store credit to anything in the store!

Now, maybe it's just me, but I'm not really into adopting new technologies early in their life. I've seen things like this happen far too often than not. But for the CEO of a huge company like Apple to come out and say, 'Okay, I hear your cries. Here's what we're gonna do...' is absolutely unheard of in the tech business. I'm not a mac user currently, but after a move like this coupled with my growing hatred for everything Microsoft, I'm seriously considering completely changing over to Mac only. iMac, here I come!

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