Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Few Fun Sites

A site I had heard about a long time ago but never really looked at is delicious. It is a little add-on web app for IE. It keeps all your bookmarks and is an easy way to share them with other people.
I just started, but you can see mine at del.icio.us/sockmonkeyfun
They get kudos for the clever use of the almost useless .us ;)

Next up are a few sites that are, what I call blog-lite.

Tumblr.com is a cool little blog service that provides Tumblelogs. What is a Tumblelog? you say-
From Wikipedia
"A tumblelog is a variation of a blog, that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging. Common post formats found on tumblelogs include links, photos, quotes, dialogues, and video. Unlike blogs, this format is frequently used to share the author's creations, discoveries, or experiences without providing a commentary."

I signed up for this too, (I am such a joiner) but I don't really have anything on mine. :-D

Lastly are two even lighter blog type service sites. These are both just for writing very quick posts about what you are doing at any given moment. Good for keeping track of how you are spending your time.
I'll list my favorite, of the two, first.

Jaiku is very similar to its predecessor twitter.com, but it has a few features that the other does not. One is the easy ability to add all your different feeds into one place... ie... your flickr, your main blog, your del.icio.us, your tumblelog... ect... and you can add other feeds as well. It's like one big amalgamation of feeds. :)
To see what I might be up to, you can check my jaiku

That is all for now!


Austen said...

Neat. I never heard of half of those. I use Flickr occasionally, but Jaiku I never even heard of. I'm not even sure I fully understand the concept of it either, it just looks like an RSS feed.

Tamara said...

Twitter, Jaiku and the other services like them have been described as micro-blogging. Almost a cross between IMing and bloging. Jaiku looks more like an RSS feed than the other one probably due to the fact that you can add all your feeds into it. :)