Sunday, July 09, 2006

CleanFlicks deemed "Unconstituntional"

Remember that great place down the road where you can rent that crazy awesome movie you've always wanted to see but never did because it was rated R and you didn't want to have to see the gruesome, gore-filled violence, ridiculous language, or gratuitous sex scene, but the place cleaned it up so it didn't have all the nasty stuff and left a nice, relatively "family friendly" movie behind? **sorry for run on**

Well, now U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch has ruled that "scrubbing" movies so that they keep out those disgusting little pointless bits of derogatory filth violates copyright laws. Yup, that's right! Now CleanFlicks, among 3 other companies, have to put up shop and hand over their inventory to abide by this ruling. Ray Lines, the head of CleanFlicks, says that this is just a "David v Goliath", rewritten by Hollywood.

Another interesting piece of information are the directors involved in pushing this issue to court. Among 16 others, Steven Spielberg, Robert Redford, and Marin Scorsese. They say the objective is "to stop the infringement because of its irreparable injury to the creative artistic expression in the copyrighted movies," the judge wrote. "There is a public interest in providing such protection."

Sounds to me like Satan and his demons are at it again and are just trying to make it that much harder to live in this decrepit system.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.