Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Welcome to Hulu! Hulu is a NBCs attempt at competing with YouTube and giving the finger to iTunes. To be completely, honest I really really love it. I got my private beta invites the other day and boy oh boy have I been enjoying it thus far. They have an HD page where you can play around with the new flash drivers to see videos in HD. Really all that translates to is that the video is bigger, but it does load remarkably fast. First thing I watched was the absolutely disgusting Alien VS Predator: Requiem trailer. Seriously, who allows these things to happen?

Anyway, aside from that, Hulu is great for catching up on your show you missed, or checking out other shows that you have yet to become interested in. I, personally, have found that the vast majority of shows that I actually like are from NBC. These include House, Battlestar Galactica and Heroes. I also like Lost, but that's on ABC.... darn it. Anyway, I got an extra beta invite and I figured I'd make it a "public" user so that pretty much anyone can at least check it out. Hulu is here.
User name: genericdude
Password: password

Enjoy. Please don't abuse it or give it out to anyone who isn't aware of Divertissementz. Just a personal request from me. Anyway, enjoy and have fun.


Nephirij said...
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Nephirij said...

"The access code is: access code." - Sarge