Monday, February 25, 2008

Audiosurf - Where did this game come from?

So I was going through the list of new releases on Steam the other day and came across this little gem called Audiosurf. I hadn't heard of it before so I downloaded the demo and started playing. What I found was amazing!

Audiosurf is a game based solely around music. According to the website, it's a music-adapting puzzle racer. (Wrap your mind around that!) You use your own music from your machine and literally ride the song. You can select different "racers", each racer is a different game mode and changes the object of the game. It's a lot of fun! Everything in the game, including the blocks coming at you, the track itself, and all of the silly Geometry Wars style explosions in the background are all done on the fly based on the music. If you've ever played with G-Force, this is a really fun interactive version of that!

Oh, and did I mention that it comes with the Orange Box soundtrack... for free?

In summary, open Steam, drop the $10 bucks and buy this game. You won't regret it.

1 comment:

JimboJones said...

Until steam grows out of your computer and infects your brain!!!