Saturday, April 08, 2006

Chronio Walking Video

Taken from his own personal profile is this video of Chronio strutting his stuff. I would nearly pay for one of these just to have him walk around my room like that all day.


Anonymous said...

Dude that was so awesome. I would love to have one of those walking around the house all day. It woul scare the crap out of my cat aphrodite though.

Anonymous said...

I agree thuroughly it would scare small animals. But it was pretty freakin' cool.

Anonymous said...

for once rae and I agree on something. It was awesome but the pixels in my comp. were sucky so i did not see the video real goo.

Anonymous said...

You spelled Good wrong.(smirking at PDX's stupidity and)

Anonymous said...

i meant to say goo.