Thursday, April 13, 2006

iPod Killed the Radio Star

Podcasting News shows an interesting trend about good ol' fashioned AM and FM radio. It sucks. And people are finally starting to realize it. Now that being a no skill DJ is easy for anyone with an MP3 player, listeners are wising up and tuning in less to the static. "27% of people 12-24 attribute their reduced use of radio to MP3 use; 22% attributed it to tired radio programming; 3% attributed it to podcast listening." I'd expect podcasts to become the new obnoxious morning show that you can actually skip and listen to music instead.


Tamara said...

Viva la Podcast!!!!

Seriously, I love podcasts and hardly ever listen to the radio now.

doin' the tWiT!... doin' the tWiT.. baby... alright!

Anonymous said...

hehe. Podcasts Rock!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Rae's Right! Podcasts do rock but don't they hurt radio stations.

Anonymous said...

What! NO they don't hurt radio stations dumbell! They make them more unique and rare. Who really wants to hear Z100 do prank phone calls. All it shows me is that they don't know how to do real comedy. The lowest form of comedy is by making fun of someone else.

Anonymous said...

Yeah well...Your mother.

Frank Tinsley said...

PDX wins!