Monday, June 26, 2006

HD DVD and Blu-ray DOA

I've always had a nagging feeling whenever I read anything about the new high-definition DVD formats. While the technophile in me was totally down for a medium that finally allowed full use of a HD television, the practical side of me saw serious road blocks. Largest of these hurdles rang especially true for me. I don't myself own an HD television. And I know I am not alone. HD has a pitifully low penetration in the market and it's not getting better soon. Now that this article has outlined the rest of the problems for HD DVD and Blu-ray it has become quite clear that HD on a disc at the store will not be beating DVD as we know it today. Now, HD that you downloaded on your new Mac from iTunes on the other hand...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.