Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Knitta~ A Different Kind of Graffiti Tagging

If you ever go out to your car one day and find a hand-knitted antenna cozy on it, it just might be one of these people.

Completely unrelated to video games, but too cool nonetheless.

You may have heard of these guys before, as they have been in the real news and even the fake news on SNL, but if you haven't seen their pics or checked out their site you should go give it a look. Knitta Please!

Here is a shot on the Great Wall in China.


Austen said...

Sooo the first thing that pops to my brain is O C D!! Eesh, i mean, it's neat and all. But how bored must you be to randomly knight things like that? I can just hear it now "Oh my GOSH!! That rock SO needs a sweater! It must be cold out! GO GO Knit Knights !!"

Frank Tinsley said...

What I want to see is the crazy knitting ninja off to the side of those pictures just spitting out crafts. =P