Friday, January 25, 2008

Battlestar Galactica Season 4... Also Soon To Come

Coming in April, drooling fans will finally get to see the stunning conclusion to Battlestar Galactica. This dark, space epic is a must-see for any self-professed lover of science fiction. This show is amazing and the end to season 3 was on heck of cliff hanger. With a nearly 9 month hiatus, fans are salivating at any mention of season 4 and what will be the ultimate fate of the human race.

I recently remembered that I have access to Hulu, which is still in beta and is actually getting quite good. Here's one of the final episodes from season 3. For any who have yet to catch up to the show, this is an awesome episode. And for those who have yet to catch up... enjoy this mind blowing, 'WHAT THE CRAP?!' inducing episode. ;) Enjoy

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