Monday, January 28, 2008

Super Smash Bros Brawl Intro Movie Leaked - Spoilers Ahoy

This post has been tagged SPOILERIFIC.

So after watching the drool-tastic video above, you probably noticed a few "unannounced" characters jumping around. Namely, Marth and Ness. Needless to say, I'm excited about both. I like the idea of having multiple characters from the same franchise fighting against each other.

Another little spoiler that's not in this particular video that some of you may not know about. Iwata has been doing an "Iwata Asks" with one of the creators of Smash Bros. It's an incredibly interesting read to say the least and they've released a few intriguing little spoilers as well. In this case, that there are several versions of Link available to play as. There's the obvious Twilight Princess model. And there's the shorter, more awesome, Wind Waker Link.

Also, the story mode in SMBB is actually written by non other than Kazushige Nojima. For those who don't recognize the name, this is the genius behind the storyline of Final Fantasy VII. (Yeah, THAT guy!)

Unfortunately all of this pre-release excitement is soon to end, seeing as how Japan will be getting their grubby little hands on Smash Bros at the end of the week. I'm sure we'll all be pouring over YouTube like a pack of hungry wolves searching for those "elusive" videos of Lucario and Jigglypuff going at it. ;)

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