Friday, January 25, 2008

Countdown To Lost Season 4 Premiere

Oh baby oh baby six days to go for the premiere of Lost Season 4. It's been almost a year since we've seen any new Lost and, as a desperate fan of the show, it's been too long. This season promises to pick up where the last season left off and, if TV Guide is to be believed, the wait was worth it.

I just watched through season 3 once more to refresh myself and here are some questions that are still yet to be answered (Warning, spoilers are afoot)

-What was the DHARMA initiative doing on the island?
-What are those freaky smoke monsters up to and how the crap did they get there?
-Why do women who get pregnant on the island die?
-Why can Desmond see the future?
-Why did Naomi's boat show up?
-Does she work for Penny? What is Penny really up to?
-Why is Ben TERRIFIED of these people?
-Polar bears? The Black Rock?
-What the CRAP was that purple light?
-Why is Locke special?
-Who are The Others.. REALLY?
-Did they really leave the island?

My wife and I will definitely be tuning in next Thursday to watch two hour season premiere. Anyone who wants to join is most certainly welcome to join us. Also, feel free to speculate on any number of these questions. I know I have plenty of theories. Mwa haha!

Also, a sneak peak at the season premiere. Woo hoo!

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