Saturday, January 19, 2008

Fancy Pants Adventure: World 2

Alright I still have yet to play Fancy Pants Adventre: World 1. But if it's anything like it's successor it's probably amazing. I actually found this fun little game on complete accident. But what I came to find is that it is probably one of the best animated sidescrolling platformer I've ever played in my life! And it's a simple flash based adventure! The music is oddly catchy and even as I write this post I have it stuck in my head.

This game isn't the next Mario. But if you find yourself with a little free time on the computer, this game is definitely worth a look-see. Enjoy!

1 comment:

JimboJones said...

Visited and beat, super fun. Although I think he should rework it so it can play on the Wii with its controls. It would play much better than on the keyboard...